Underage girl releases press statement after Adam Johnson is found guilty of sexually touching her

The underage girl (then 15, now 16) has released a statement entailing the psychological trauma she passed through ever since the sexual allegations against Adam Johnson came out last year and says she is happy everything has ended now. The youngster expressed sympathy for Johnson’s ex-girlfriend Stacey Flounders, 26, the mother of his 13-month-old daughter Ayla Sofia.

The sacked Sunderland footballer is facing a 5-10 years imprisonment in the next two weeks after being granted bail but was put on house arrest by the judge. Read the girl's statement after the cut.

“I’ve had to face so much abuse after he claimed his innocence. I was made out to be a liar, if anything, I held things back because I didn’t want all of this to come out. “What happened in his car has turned my life upside down. “I have lost all of my confidence. My school work has suffered. “There are people out there who have made assumptions about me and that alone has been hard to deal with. “ I have been unable to defend myself publicly. The gossip on social media, hearing all the horrible names people have been calling me has been devastating to me, my friends and family. “The guilty verdict ‘showed everyone I was telling the truth.” “I feel sad for Stacey and what she has been through. I hope Adam realises the hurt and damage he has caused. I now want to put this awful experience behind me and begin to rebuild my life. “I hope I can move on and look to the future.” It took the jury nine hours 42 minutes to convict Adam Johnson yesterday. The 28 year old millionaire has now lost his job, his multi-million pounds endorsements deal with Adidas, his girlfriend and is set to lose his liberty when he gets his prison sentence.


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